Cloud computing is a model for delivering ICT services, enabling ubiquitous, on-demand network access to a shared pool of computing resources. The term “cloud” is used by ICT companies for the distribution of services such as systems, applications, and servers, providing an effective solution for sharing resources over the Web.
Cloud applications can be thought of as the next generation of Web 2.0 tools.
In recent years, cloud applications are evermore integrated into our daily life. It follows the understanding of the important role of ICT, not only for business and economics, but also for educational purposes (Barak, 2012; Barak et al., 2009).
In the context of education, schools can use cloud applications as many business do. They can keep their curricula, applications, and data on clouds, avoiding the need for investing in internal ICT resources and costly computer classrooms. With cloud applications, teachers and students can use thin mobile devices and ‘smart phones’ to access resources.
Since cloud applications enables synchronous collaboration (by clicking the ‘Share’ button), they support the shift from learning: “anytime and anywhere” to learning “everywhere at once” (omnipresent).
Cloud Pedagogy is the art of teaching while encouraging omnipresent learning via cloud-based applications.
With cloud applications, learning can be conducted everywhere at the same time, with no classroom boundaries and with a universal mindset. The same curriculum can be administered synchronously by different schools worldwide, allowing for inspiring discourse and discoveries. Students from different countries can work at the same time on the exact same learning environment (e.g. document, electronic board, presentation, or other application). They can conduct inquiry in the form of synchronized virtual learning communities and construct their knowledge while gaining skills vital to 21st century.
Three skills vital to 21st century (in addition to higher order thinking skills):
1. Acclimatizing to frequent changes and uncertain situations.
2. Communicating in decentralized and nonhierarchical environments.
3. Generating shared data and managing information multiplicity.
Cloud pedagogy changes the way lecturer perceive their teaching and students perceive their learning.